Future vs conditional Spanish help ?
if i was to describe what my life will be like in 20 years would i use the conditional or future tense?
how would i say"i will be"
since i dont know if any of these things will i use the conditional?
if i was to describe what my life will be like in 20 years would i use the conditional or future tense?
how would i say"i will be"
since i dont know if any of these things will i use the conditional?
sean w
Favorite Answer
I will be
conditional would be like, "I would be a doctor, but its too hard"
Sería doctor, pero es demasiad díficil
Future Vs Conditional Spanish
Wheep Wheep Piggy Feet
If you're saying, "I will, it will, etc," then it's best to use the future tense.
For example, I will be a musician someday: "Algun dia, yo sere musica."
The conditional applies to cases of, "I would... but..."
For example, I would be a musician, but I'm scared: "Yo seria musica, pero tengo miedo."
You would not use the conditional form typically - it does depend on what you are trying to say. Future is your safest bet - or possibly subjunctive.