Future vs conditional Spanish help ?

if i was to describe what my life will be like in 20 years would i use the conditional or future tense?

how would i say"i will be"

since i dont know if any of these things will i use the conditional?

sean w2008-09-25T19:18:50Z

Favorite Answer


I will be

conditional would be like, "I would be a doctor, but its too hard"

Sería doctor, pero es demasiad díficil


Future Vs Conditional Spanish

Wheep Wheep Piggy Feet2008-09-25T19:25:06Z

If you're saying, "I will, it will, etc," then it's best to use the future tense.

For example, I will be a musician someday: "Algun dia, yo sere musica."

The conditional applies to cases of, "I would... but..."

For example, I would be a musician, but I'm scared: "Yo seria musica, pero tengo miedo."


You would not use the conditional form typically - it does depend on what you are trying to say. Future is your safest bet - or possibly subjunctive.