Question about signifer rainbowfish?

I went to PetCo for supplies today, and when I was done I wandered over to look at the fish. In one of the tanks I found some Pseudomugil signifer, or signifer rainbowfish/pacific blue-eye.

I got three males (I may go back for the other male and the lone female, since I know they're schooling fish). I plan to put them in my 20 gallon tank, but I just want to make sure they're compatible with the fish I already have in there:

6 threadfin rainbowfish
5 panda corys
5 juvenile rainbow shiners (1/2"-1")

The tank is planted and filtered with a penguin bio-wheel 200, rated for up to 50 gallons. It's been established for over a year. Here's a few pics (ignore the breeding net, I'm just using it to house some cory eggs while I set up a grow-out tank):

(It'll look nicer once the plants have started to fill in and the hygrophila compacta in the back grows taller.)

Will the signifers harass/fin-nip my other fish, or vice-versa? I do have a 55 gallon community tank they could go in if they absolutely have to, but I'd really rather keep them in the 20 gallon.

Chris W2008-09-26T13:07:55Z

Favorite Answer

signifers do nip/ eat smaller fish so as long as the new additions are smaller or the same size as the rest of your fish they should be fine together


decrease the list down, you may have alot of problems with that prime of stocking, and also you're water qaulity isn't solid with that many fish. i ought to do 3 of each and every at maximum. also maximum experienced fish vendors use scienttific names pretty with chiclids and rainbowfish, so in case you want the better experienced human beings to provide you better effective suggestion then i ought to replace with those, there a soreness to seem up for all time. Alot of human beings wont mix similar species of rainbowfish for worry of hybridization, yet once you do not have any objective of breeding them then i does no longer worry.