How do you feel about the government using the word "idiot" when writing a law?
I was recently informed that several states do not allow "idiots" or "insane persons" the right to vote. I'm not really concerned about starting a debate about how competent someone must be in order to vote. I am interested, however, in how you feel about the choice of the wordings. Personally, I am shocked that it has been allowed to remain since "idiot" is not exactly a well defined term. Who gets to decide on whether or not someone is an idiot anyway?
The states that do not allow "idiots" to vote are as follows:
Iowa - No idiot, or insane person, or person
convicted of any infamous crime, shall
be entitled to the privileges of an
elector. IOWA CONST. art. 2, § 5.
Kentucky - “Idiots” and “insane” persons shall not
have the right to vote. KY. CONST. §