Angel fish attacked a tetra...?

I have a quarter-sized angel in a large community tank with guppies, platies, and tetras. I noticed my angel nipping at one of by black skirt tetras and it looks as if it must have been doing in for a while because the tetra was just moving very slowly and was leaning a bit. I separated the tetra but I'm not sure if there is something I should give him to help him or do I just have to wait it out and see how he does?

Thanks in advance


I know angels are technically semi aggressive but I have also read that they are often times fine with tropical fish. I will continue to keep an eye on him.

My tank is a 46 gallon tall.

Let me know if you need more info.


Favorite Answer

I suspect the tetra is sick already and the angel is just taking advantage of that.

But as the angel gets bigger it will will become more agressive in it's hunting, they will often attack small fish like guppies and neons. They are generally fine with other similar sized peacefull fish, but angels and small community speies, not so good.



Angelfish can be aggressive, so I'm not surprised to hear yours was attacking your tetra. Also, when your angelfish grows up, he'll probably eat your guppies. How big is your tank? Angelfish can't be kept in anything smaller than 30 gallons.

For the tetra, all you can really do is wait and see, and hopefully he'll recover.