Do you think Bill Maher's Religulous will have the insight to open your eyes?


Favorite Answer

It'll really piss off the christian right...
and really make the rest of us laugh a lot...
...that's pretty much it.


Catholic League director of communications Susan A. Fani attended a preview of the Bill Maher movie, “Religulous,” in New York City on September 25. In her report to league president Bill Donohue, it was clear that the film is more absurd than hateful. Here is Donohue’s take on the movie as informed by Fani’s observations:

“Maher has been on a crusade smearing Catholicism for many years, sometimes viciously so. It was therefore expected that ‘Religulous’ would offer more of the same. But in fairness, this did not happen. As we already knew, Maher’s movie was not going to single out Catholicism for derision—Protestantism, Judaism, Islam and other religions are afforded cheap shots—but what we did not know is that he wouldn’t succumb to the kind of slanderous assaults on priests, for instance, that he has made in the past. Nor did we know that he would resist making vile comments about core religious beliefs.

“On the other hand, it is pure nonsense to play Catholicism off against science. After all, were it not for the role of the Catholic Church, there would have been no Scientific Revolution and no early breakthroughs in astronomy. Equally dumb is the assertion that the Ten Commandments are flawed because they don’t speak to child abuse, rape and torture. Had Maher gone to more religion classes, he would have learned that the central taboos listed are umbrella strictures that cover a host of subsidiary sins. And why did he bother to take out of context statements from people like John Adams that make the Founding Fathers sound anti-religion? Adams has often been quoted as saying that the Constitution was made ‘only for a moral and religious people.’

“More important, if Jesus is not the Son of God, as Maher contends, then why does he waste time—and make himself look silly in the process—by invoking Jesus’ name to give homosexuality a pass? In the flick, Maher argues that homosexuality couldn’t be so bad if Jesus never mentioned it. And, of course, Maher’s contention that religion kills looks rather feeble given that the 20th century was the most violent in history. Hasn’t he noticed that Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were expressly atheistic and anti-religious? In any event, Catholicism will survive ‘Religulous.’”


No, i think atheist and believers of whatever ... try to hard to force their views on one another. The atheist will say its not logical to believe this because of this and that ... religion has caused all the major wars and so on.... the religious person will say i believe b/c the Bible says so. I am a "believer" but not the type that will force anything upon you. I love Real Time with Bill i watch it religiously (ironically) but he believes what he believes ( i believe b/c of his child hood, his strict catholic up bringing) and i respect that. the major problem i have with him, is that he seems to stereotype all people who believe in something Godly as LOONIEs like we are ******* morons. Its called faith because it is something that cannot be proved logically. Now you (you) have to understand that there are people that are religiously crazy, but don't type cast all people who believe in something u don't as being crazy or illogical.

I will definitely be seeing the movie, because i am strong in what i believe (which is different from most Christians) and i love Bill. He's not going to sway me that easily.

sego lily2008-09-29T22:46:13Z

I believe God is going to open Bill Mahers eyes


I think atheists will fill the pockets of Bill Maher with their money, which is exactly why he made the movie in the first place.

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