When did America forget about the WTC attacks? ?

Was it while congress sung 'Koom Ba Ya my Lord' on Wall St. ?

Was it when the media decided 5 days after to 'Move on'?

Where did all of the other furious Americans go?

This travesty is still un-avenged, am I the only one who sees this?


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Let me tell you this.
I have not forgotten about that day (September 11,2001)
343 Firefighters lost.
Over 3,000 fellow Americans lost their lives.
I remember it everyday.
So don't come here with you shitty question because if you want to see an angry American well then bring it!

2nd Amendment


You make me want to kill someone!
Not you though!


We haven't. Our government is falsely leading us to believe that they are doing something about it, by invading a country that had nothing to do with it.

It will probably remain un-avenged; Bush & friends (including Biden) chummed it up with the bin Laden crew right around 9/11, and just let them go home peacefully.



Probably the next week. Forgot because we could not do anything about it. And now, when Bin Laden is running free we are forgetting the attacks even more.

Watch the videos on YouTube. There are many Americans who do not even know when did the attack happen.

Only the ones who lost their lives remember it.

Americans try to ignore the fact that attack did happen. That is what American policy is, juts ignore what you don't believe ,what you don't know and what you could nothing do about.


Start (avenging) by arresting Cheney!


February 27,1993. One day after.