Are you adopted or a regular?

Haha random...I think my brother is adopted since he is like a freak, but im not! So go on answer away...oh and the regular means with your birth parents in my view of saying...(hopefully that made sense...)


Haha, my brother is decaf lol. Thats halarious! Oh and peoples who find thid offensive? It wasnt meant like that its just my way of confusion of saying this...

I'm already dead2008-10-02T18:33:07Z

Favorite Answer

Im a regular...


I'm adopted so I guess that means I'm a freak lol.

*And to the ignorant few that think every adopted child's life is a tragedy, that's not true. I'm very happy. I don't remember a lot about my parents, so why would I be sad? I'm not going to worry about why they gave me up/if they loved me/blah blah blah.

What's important is that I have an adoptive family that loves me. Some kids are still living with their birthparents and their lives suck! Blood doesn't count for anything if there's no love.


A Regular I had the Same Mother My whole Life.

~The Shandian Warrior ::Braham::2008-10-02T18:34:19Z

Nope, I wasn't adopted. But I keep telling my sister that she was found thrown away in the garbage when she was a baby and my parents picked her up, although it's not true. She used to believe me when she was like 7, but not anymore since she's 11 yrs. old. It was fun while it lasted.

Have you ever done this to anyone? lol


Well, im not adopted if thats what you mean. (Which it is.)

But i find 'regular' gives kind of a negative connotation to adopted, with the way that your using it. kind of sounds like your saying adopted people arent regular/normal. ya know? Just kind of sounds mean to me, idk.

But yea, i live with my biological mother.

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