When grocery shopping, are brand names important to you?

I myself don't like the prices of most, but do on occasion buy name brands because the store brands are just gross and a waste of money if nobody eats it.


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i used to buy brand names at groceries stores. But once i learned that no name brands were made by name brands (from my marketing class) i realize it tastes better and cheap ^_^


When you are an experienced grocery shopper you will figure out for yourself what you can get by with in store brands and when you need to get name brands. In my area some of the generics are better, but I wouldn't have know that if I hadn't tried several items. I can't really give you any specifics because I don't know the generics brands in your community. but in mine frozen veggies are pretty much the same however canned veggies vary and generics are generally not as good. cereal's some generics are great some are like cardboard. any baby products I would stick with name brand. except diapers, then you just have to experiment a bit. for right now I wouldn't buy anything foods made in China because they seem to be poisoning their own babies, so who know what they might do to our children. Happy Shopping


I find it varies - I don't think all the store brands are gross occasionally I have found ones that are just as good as the branded ones and the prices are steep purely because of the brand name - for example canned tomatoes are canned tomatoes, pickles etc. There is however something to be said for the fact that you do get what you pay for.


store brands taste the same to me as name brand... it is all about eye appeal and packaging beauty that entices the customer.
I bet my bottom dollar if you switched the products, and no one told you.. you would never know you were eating generic...

it is all how you approach it... and how materialistic you are... we are living in a day and world now where every penny counts and need to put aside our views on stuff like that...

unless you are rich and don't know any better...

Shaine (:2008-10-04T14:54:49Z

i'm all about generic actually . its all basically the same thing if you read the ingredients . there's only a few things i won't do generic and that's things like toilet paper, drinks, etc .