A name that I like is Janis or Janice as a first name?

Too dated and you picture a middle aged lady?
NN would be Jan, or Jany.


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I like Janis because it is diff spelling and it sounds like a classic name.


Janis better than Janice, and I too make the Janis Joplin connection.
Jan is cute but isn't that one of the girls from the Brady Bunch? She could have been a Janet I suppose, but Jan is cute.


Janis reminds me of Janis Joplin, but then I'm from another generation. With the names that are popular now, Janis sounds downright fresh!


It sounds kind of old lady-ish , but not as bad as Phyllis or Gertrude!

Janis is more modern looking than Janice though.

Cristina ♥ Claire born 6/9/2010!2008-10-04T13:45:51Z

Janice is better in my opinion. I'm 26 and I know a couple of Janices around my age, so not just an old lady name.

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