Have you heard of this religious persecution in Egypt?


If this was a reverse case, where the father was Christian and the mother Islam, do you think the court would have still found in favor of the father?

As the article points out, the judge had no legal precedent for his decision.


For "give me liberty": If you know the Bible as well as you say, then you know that, throught it's text, God establishes His love for all people, both born and unborn. For example, He inspires the psalmist to pen, "before You formed my inner parts, You knew me...." indicating God's foreknlowledge of our nature, our place in His plan, and our worth, even before birth.

Also, He made it very clear that, when He sent the Israelites into the Promised Land, He gave that land to them because He wantede the Canaanites, and all the other "ites" residing there to be removed. Why? Because of their sacrifice of innocent children (also called innocent blood in Scripture) to false fertility idols. We know from studies of those cultures and our knowledge of their times that they used herbs to cause unborn children to come forth early from their mothers' wombs, thereby providing a "more perfect nad pure" sacrifice.

This question has nothing to do with abortion. It is not pertinent here.


Favorite Answer

Things of this nature is happening all over the world and in rare cases here in the U.S. as well . Persecuting christians and the christian belief is the new order of business for every nation . Children in Germany being taken away from parents because the choose to home school them instead of sending them to unmoral public school systems , Chinese being murdered and imprisoned and punished for naming the Name of Christ and standing for christianity . Africans who refuse to follow Islam are being slaughtered by the millions and its so in most every country of the world . People in Pa. in the U.S. were imprisoned for preaching the gospel on street corners , yet it was ok for gay rights activists to attack them and hold signs up around them to stop the Bible from being preached on that corner . It was the Christians who were imprisoned , not the gay right people or the other groups who were their protesting . Its going to get worse and worse , and governments in every country are trying to stop the Name of Christ and christianity from being honored and or obeyed .
His Name will not be Stopped
Every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord


Of course not. The Egyptian legal system is based on the Shariah law, as stated in their constitution, and so will always be biased towards Islam. Let us hope that they have the courage to remove that discriminatory clause from the constitution of a nominally secular country.


OMG, I am amazed at the ignorance of some of the answers to this question. The only reason the father was granted custody is that their law, like the law in the vast majority of Islamic countries, states that the Children of a marriage where one parent is a Muslim should be considered Muslim by law. Therefore, they are removed from the custody of the non-Muslim party and placed into the custody of the Muslim party regardless of any other considerations. You guys seem to have a very provincial view of the world.

Blue Eyed Christian2008-10-05T17:47:45Z

That's really strange that the sharia court was allowed to circumvent Egyptian laws! Scary how much power they have. I doubt very much they would have gone to the father if he was a Christian....Muslim leaders do not like Christians (according to the Quran we are heretics because we worship Christ as God and don't believe Allah is a god at all).

Eric M2008-10-04T23:31:23Z

I don't know how the court system is in Egypt. I haven't heard of any religious persecution in Egypt itself, but in the area surrounding it yes.
Any Christian in that area should know by now that muslim is the dominating religion. Be prepared it's only going to get much worst before it gets better!

Super Nova2008-10-04T20:40:18Z

I don't think the court would have found favor and I have heard of persecution in Egypt.

In Egypt and all those areas in the Middle East and Northern Africa which are Muslim areas, they presecute Christians.

Also, if you are disobiedient like if you don't wear your berka you can get in so much trouble by the Holy Police. They even beat you up and throw you in jail or even kill you.

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