MySpace friends list?

Is there a way to make your MySpace Profile NOT show your friends? It seems kind of petty, I know, but I have 2 friends that I don't want to know I am friends with both of them (total drama). Can the friends list be hidden? Thanks for the help.



Favorite Answer

choose the one you like the most =]
this code will hide your top friends

table.friendSpace {display:none;}

this code will just show your top

table.friendSpace td {padding:0px;}
table.friendSpace td.text td br {line-height:0px;}
table.friendSpace td.text span.orangetext15 {display:none;}
table.friendSpace td.text table {background-color:transparent;}
table.friendSpace span.btext {display:none;}
table.friendSpace td.text div {display:none;}

this makes your friends unclickable

Vegatarians have more fun:)2008-10-07T08:56:30Z

yup google hide myspace freinds code and click on a website that has the code and copy and paste it


yeah there are plenty of codes out there. and some profiles you pick hide it automatically. but you cant figure it out until you put it

any website that provides layouts usually has a "hide" codes section.


yeah, it can.

just go to google and type 'hide friends on myspace code'

you will find it (:


this site will give you any code you need, for your profile.