Freshwater blue Lobster?

Our tank recently added a beautiful Colbalt Blue Fresh Water Lobster. I was hoping you could help me find ways to help my lobster molt in peace as i have been told that they are very vulnerable at this time and my friends have lost theirs in the past.
We have had this lobster for about a week and he has a cave even though he likes to dig under a rock. He is a lot of fun to watch. What do we need to do to make him comfortable when molting.

55 gallon tank
8 Tigers
1 Catfish
1 Clown loach (he is in quarantine as he is new)
2 Leaf fish (one is in quarantine as it too is new)
My beautiful lobster

Chimp Dancer2008-10-08T11:47:12Z

Favorite Answer

Kate, you're in the wrong section. This is fishing and many of us here would either suggest garlic butter sauce or stick a hook in it and cast it out. To try and help you out anyways, I would suggest separating the lobster completely during molting. Purchase a 10 gal. tank and give it plenty of places to hide. You can also go to the aquarium shop for pointers and such to keep the lobster's stress level down during this time so it will not die on you.~good luck catchin'.

Anson W2008-10-08T09:55:16Z

Keep the light off until he finishes, the light is what stresses them and then they get sick and die.


I think it anm good idea but if it is ok w/ you then it fine but