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If you have two valves for two rooms, each valve will its own thermstat. You could use one T stat but will require some switching between them.
You could only heat one room at a time. So two T stat will be necessary.
The Hc lead and the W lead will connect to the T stat. You may also have to short circuit the R and the Hc. leads to make it work as newer low voltage T stats use 5 inputs. Hc Cc R W Y.
Generally your zone controller needs to run off the 24V for power and the thermostat is attached to the zone valve with 2 wires. You need to get a manual for the zone controller. I still can't figure out how you expanded the zone and don't know how to wire it up.
on the zone valve you have 2 red wires and 2 yellow wires. the red wires are your control and the yellow are your zone motor. one red comes from the transformer the other red goes to the thermostst. one yellow goes to the switchong relay on the tt and the other goes to the other tt on the relay