Is the Marine Corps Ball in Hawaii less formal?

I have a knee length dress that I'm considering wearing to the ball this year. I'm wondering if I will stand out or if the MC ball in Hawaii would be less formal since most things out here are a little more relaxed? Any input would be very much appreciated.


Okay, I guess what I'm really wanting to know is would someone wearing a knee length dress stand out in a bad way?


Because is you read "Roses and Thorns" and "Parade Rest" they say that the Marine Corps Ball is a semi-formal/formal event.


Sorry that's supposed to be if not is.


Favorite Answer

The one I wen to over there was very formal. All the Marines were in there blues or Alphas and wives or girlfriends were in very formal dress. It was a Competition thing among them. My wife got every thing from the out side in for a $100 from the store and it was not second hand. Many people gave her compliments. I did not care much for the food, never have at any of those kind of functions, Dinning Ins, SNCO, Balls,. Done my 20 and steeped out. But I'm very proud i did my time. 75-95 USMC 100%DAV


The Blues set the precedent of formality. Rather in HI, Vegas, NC, or Antartica, it's going to be a very formal event. A knee length dress is acceptable if it's formal.


A Ball is a Ball. Keep it formal unless otherwise told.

Take pride in your dress and show you are proud to be there


Check the invitation. It will tell you what dress is expected.