Do you have a signature dish?

If so, what is it?


Favorite Answer

Praline Cheesecake, and my family insists I make it at EVERY gathering !


No, I don't have a signature dish, but around my house I am the only one who makes chocolate chip cookies anymore because everyone says mine just taste so much better than theirs!
I just use the recipe on the bag of the Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chips.
They are delicious! I highly recommend them.
To get them to come out so good, I put them in for 10 minutes on a STONE pan (that is a big factor - way better than metal) and after that time, they look puffy and like they are not totally done, but take them out anyway, and put the whole pan of cookies on a cooling rack and leave them there for like 5-10 mins. because they are still cooking on that hot pan, even when out of the oven, because the pan is still the temp. of the oven.
They are soooo delicious when done this way!!!!

Mama Misty2008-10-10T20:11:02Z

I have a couple, but since the holidays are approaching I will say Homemade (from scratch, fresh) Green Bean Casserole. No soups or fried onion strips. Its soooo good.


Shrimp scampi as a dinner entree because it's so easy. My dessert item is a raisin cake, originally called "aunt rosie's raisin cake" which I made for the first time in home ec in 8th grade, and I'm 50 now. I don't know who aunt rosie was, but now it's referred to as Aunt Benny's raisin cake.

Ebony P2008-10-10T20:11:32Z

Fried catfish, cornbread, and collard greens. Whenever I have people over for dinner, they ask if one of those three items will be on the menu.

I also am known for my cornbread and sausage stuffing. It's so good, my mom even asked for my recipe!

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