Global Warming hype.....?
Simple question.
If Global warming is Man made, then
Why did it happen before?
Why is it happening on Mars?
Simple question.
If Global warming is Man made, then
Why did it happen before?
Why is it happening on Mars?
Favorite Answer
Anthropogenic Global Warming-AGW, a.k.a. Global Warming is not called that anymore because we are experiencing a cooling trend now. So instead of calling it Global Cooling, like they should, the IPCC and others now call it Climate Change.
Here you have the opinion of 2 PRO-AGW members contradicting each other:
frflyer says "What matters is scientific findings -- data, not opinions".
Dana says "Scientists have examined both natural and human factors and concluded that natural forces can't explain the recent warming. Humans are responsible for the current global warming".
Well, if we start from the fact that in science a theory must be proved through a scientific method, we can obviously eliminate Dana's answer, because Climate is not a school test where scientists can approve it or not, just because they concluded so.
frflyer is right about the "no opinions", thus he is disagreeing with Dana's answer as well. But "scientific findings and data" as frflyer mentioned, could be meaningless if they are not used to feed a scientific method to prove a theory.
AGW believers ignore that warming started after 1860 (the end of the Little Ice Age), but CO2 emissions didn't really quick till 90 years later, so what did humans do to cause global warming before man made CO2 emissions?
Global warming could also be from the moon retreating away from the earth. Every year the moon receded 1 1/2 inches away from earth. The further it goes the more the earth's axis is changed. If the earth were to spin 1 degree off its axis right now the weather changes would be very DRAMATIC! At one point the earth will actually lose the moon, but that is far from now.
Simple answers.
"If Global warming is Man made, then Why did it happen before?"
Simple Man made global hasn't happened before. There are a number of natural causes of climate change, that doesn't mean we can artificially cause one of those effects by releasing large amounts of c02 into the atmosphere.
"Why is it happening on Mars?"
Simple again, it isn't, outside of denier sites you won't find science pushing such a theory, even the National geographic link deniers used to push this theory by a Russian scientist, if read in full it is dismissed by a number of leading scientists.
eric c
That is the problem. How can one say this warming is unnatural, when in the past we had natural warmings? They is why there was a concerted effort to get rid of MWP.
Dr. David Deming (University of Oklahoma)
“ Around 1996, I became aware of how corrupt and ideologically driven current climate research can be. A major researcher working in the area of climate change confided in me that the factual record needed to be altered so that people would become alarmed over global warming. He said, "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period."
I think it's just a normal cycle. The cycles could be thousands of years long, and there is no way for us to know real temperatures way back then. We couldn't even measure temps accurately until computers and lasers were invented. And, in the middle ages when temps were way higher, nothing bad happened and the growing season allowed a lot more food to be grown. It's nothing to worry about.