What would be the faster processor per core/processor.?

I have a program (RealFlow) only licensed to use 2 processors/cores. My hope is to find the fastest machine.

Right now I'm running a Dual Processor Xeon 5150 2.66GHz (dual core/each) with 4GB of RAM and Windows Vista 64bit.

Other hacks to trick the OS into treating mulitple cores as a one might be useful (don't know if such a thing exists). I'm just trying to get more processing power and don't want to waste it on multiple cores, since it doesn't really help this particular program.


The system I have is Dual Processor with Each Processor having dual cores - hence 4 cores.


Favorite Answer

it seems ur system don't support more than 2 cores ?
so best choice iscore 2 duo E8600 and no doubt about it
let me show u sth