Did you ever wonder if your baby will be Right or Left handed?
I am right handed (mummy) My partner his daddy is left handed Our son is 3 months MY father is left handed and my partners dad is left handed but the rest in the family on both sides are right handed
When will we know and how is it determined And do you think he will be right or left handed
Thanks lol i was wondering this today while putting a rattle in his hand and then i thought which hand should i put it in lol
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yeah i wish i knew too.Me and my hubby are both righty in fact i think most of our family is right handed.I put things in front of my son (6months old) to see which hand he will reach for it with but it is rarley the same hand.now the bottle he reaches for that with both hands lol. toys he will pick it up with one play with it then switch hands and play some more.so i have no idea.when he is on the floor he cant crawl but he will turn in a circle to get where he wants to go and its always to the left never to the right.i wish babies came with a manual that told you everything about them which hand the will use what color their hair and eyes will end up.when they will talk,crawl,walk, etc. so we will be prepared for it all.
You cant actually tell until the baby gets quite a bit older over a year actually(according to my dr)...they say kids seem to prefer a hand around 6-12 months but that it doesn't mean that will be the hand baby uses.....My husband and father and grandfather in law and cousin are all lefties and my daughter is not primarily a lefty but tends to use both hands.....so it is really hard to tell she always seemed like a lefty b4.....also they say boys are more likely to be left handed....my sonisn'tt old enough to tell yet either but I wish I knew too...and just hold it out in front of baby and baby will grab with one or the other.....but just when you think you have figured out which hand they will use they switch on you!!!!! LOL!!
LOL i did wonder that too. I am left handed, and being left handed is a genetic factor. I have one son who is left handed like me, and the other is right handed like their dad. You really probably wont know until he gets old enough to start scribbling and you can see which hand he uses the most.
lots of lefties on hubby's side (incl. hubby) only a couple on my side. We were wondering the other day actually! Lol. Funny the things we can't wait to find out about our babies!!
I would recommend putting it in his right, then his left. see which one he prefers. :)
I think it can be taught from a young age, but there will always be the extra strength to the 'dominant' hand.
My mom and dad are both left handed and my brother and I are both right handed and we are the only kids. This leads me to think that it is more a product of environment than genetics-