My son is running a fever for 3 days now. he's lost his appetite a little bit but that's it.?
He hasn't developed any kind of rash as of yet. He's almost 3 yrs old and his 2 year old molars have been coming in the last 8months or so. they haven't affected him before so not sure what to think...
i would like to Thank everyone you gave me positive advice. i thought for some reason i could ask a question about my situation and not feel attacked. if i thought for any reason my son was seriously sick i definitely wouldn't be wasting my time asking a question on for all the people who felt the need to be rude assholes..f*** off
Favorite Answer
It could be teething, but it could also be Roseola. You won't know until a rash appears. Roseola is classified as a childhood illness, most common between 6 months and 3 years old. There is a fever present for 2 to 5 days (sometimes a little longer) with no apparent cause. Most often, the fever is in the 101 and above range. Try to bring it down with Tempra or Motrin, sometimes it works, other times, it doesn't. With Roseola, the fever will return despite medical intervention.
Once the fever breaks, usually after 3 or 4 days, a rash will appear over his skin and will usually stay that way for a day or two, up to a week, and then disappear. Once the rash breaks, he is no longer contagious, but while he has the fever, he is so keep him away from other susceptible children (kids 3 and under who have not had it). Once a child has it, they are immune and will not get it again. It is not a life-threatening illness, but a very common childhood illness. Sometimes the rash will come and go through the night and you won't notice.
If the fever goes over 104 or 105, take him to see a doctor. Otherwise, if there is no other explanation, you can only play the waiting game.
My daughter just had this a few months back. If he does break into a rash, and it looks like this, it is Roseola.
I think since the fact your child has been running a fever for three days now that you need to call his doctor and make an appointment to be seen. it could be something else and not just his molars coming in. have him seen by the doctors, today. the sooner the better.
Definatly call the doctor and get him drinking as many fluids as you can. Also try preparing little bits of all his favorite foods. Just keep the spice levels down as they might irritate the tummy to much. Also some times teething does create low grade fevers or lest with my girls it did. But definatly call your doctor best wishes for the lil guy and you
I would call the pediatrician. It could be an ear infection. To keep the fever under control, alternate Tylenol with Motrin. That will help to break the fever. Good luck
3 days of fever requires a call to the ped. Teething of any kind will not cause a fever, it may raise the temp. but not cause a fever. A fever is our bodies way of fighting of sickness. Fever is 100.6 oral/rectal and 99.6 under the arm.