I ask you...are we still human?


It comes right down to the point of personal glory, revenge, profit, oil.
We all know whats going on, we believe what they tell us to believe, what the network shows.

"Old men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die." Herbert C. Hoover



"have had to do difficult things " - try "dying"


"Did you just figure it out, that people have died for over 200 years for what you have? "- They all fought and died for a good cause. This war has no outcome keiv.


Favorite Answer

Wow!!! I know that things were bad with Saddam in charge but are they really better off? 600,000 civilians killed. Have you ever seen "Ask an Iraqi"? You can probably find it on line somewhere. It's very eye opening. I know that the troops and the family of the troops have to tell themselves that they are fighting for our freedom. Those of us that don't believe in this "war" get accused of being unpatriotic. Our care and concern for these troops are the reason we don't agree with this situation. I can't even call it a war anymore because our freedom is not at risk from Iraq. If you believe that we are there to "spread democracy" than you should believe that is the job of the government and the politicians, not our military. We aren't even going to have a military to fight a war in the event we are attacked at the rate we are going. We need to get out of there. This is going to be something that we are so embarrassed about later. Our future generations are going to look at this situation and wonder how we could do this. I'm not against war. I believe that if someone or something is threatening this countries freedom than we need to do anything that we have to to stop them. Osama bin Laden is the reason for 9/11 and all these years later he is still free. That is inexcusable!! Look into your hearts people. Think for yourself. Don't get caught up in the whole "I can't question my president's choices or I'm unpatriotic". This country was started by men that questioned authority. As far as your question, "Are we still human"? I hope so! I hope that we can be humans before Americans. I hope that America becomes a country that stands for Peace first and aggression only when necessary. Thanks for the question and the video, puts things into perspective.


If we can rid ourselves of the Federal Reserve Board.


You're full of crap. You're living your comfortable life because sometimes people, not you for sure, have had to do difficult things so you can be free, spewing this crap, fed, housed and happy.

Yes, dying, they've done that for you too. Did you just figure it out, that people have died for over 200 years for what you have?


Humans must be destroyed.