Ron Paul supporters...have you given up hope for America?

I feel like we have gone beyond the point of no return.


Just for the record Obama supporters...I appreciate your passion, but Obama couldn't be more opposite than Ron Paul and offers NO HOPE. Hope lies in using the Constitution! We don't need change...we need to simply use what our founders gave us, not trample it with socialism/fascism/nationalisation or whatever you want to call it.


Scott F...I love Chuck Baldwin but I haven't heard "boo" from him. What's going on????


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I don't give up until I stop breathing.

Ron Paul is the man that we all rally around. He has been able to attract people of many different political view because of one factor. These people all ultimately want the same thing. And that thing is freedom.

None of the major party candidates are offering that. They bring the threat of more and more government, more stealing. more inflation, more war, and less freedom. We need to work together with others who value their freedom, and support third party candidates.

I am voting for Chuck Baldwin, since he has been endorsed by Ron Paul. We need to keep up the message of freedom. We need to expose our criminal politicians, and show the American people what they are doing to us. We need to expose their lies: "Global Warming", the "War on Terrorism", the "War on Drugs", and the Federal Reserve. People only accept slavery under some delusion, and these are the delusions that are destroying our freedoms.

You are not going to hear anything about Chuck Baldwin on mainstream media, because his message is threatening to the globalists and special interests that control them. We have the Internet. It is still possible to hear about these subjects on the Internet, although our politicians are trying to figure out how to get control of that, too.

Don't look to the Democrat or Republican parties to save you. They are both firmly in the hands of the globalist Insiders.

Libertarian till' Death2008-10-15T16:20:01Z

No, I haven't really given up hope. If I did, I probably would move to Canada or I guess South America when the NAU comes into affect. But honestly, I've come to learn that we can't get EVERYone riled up about Ron Paul. There are still so many Paul/Baldwin supporters out there we don't even hear about, I don't really freak out too much that this r3VOLution isn't going to happen. It will eventually - I know so because I will be at the front lines. The first revolution consisted of 30% whigs, 20% tories, and 50% I don't cares (the whigs being the rebels and revolters of course) These 30% of colonist England somehow rose up against the 70% of people in their hometown, and then the redcoats. The odds weren't on their sides and I know the media portrays the odds as not being on our side - but remember that in the end, evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Carpe Diem2008-10-15T15:20:33Z

I am a Ron Paul supporter and I will never give up hope for America. Yes, it is hard to maintain that hope with the current economic situation, the two status quo candidates for the Republicrats, and the complete disregard for the constitution. This country will face the hardest times of its history, but I believe that will help people realize we need to get back to the idea the founding fathers had of a republic where people were free to live their lives how they wanted with no interference from government accept when a person decided to infringe upon the liberties of others. I am voting for Chuck Baldwin.


Yes and no. i think what happened here in nevada was nuts. They shut down the republican convention because all the delegates were for Ron Paul. The GOP ended up doing some kind of secret delegate nomination. If that happened here, I hate to imagine what went on behind the scenes everywhere else. Between media blackout, skewing the votes, i pretty much lost faith in our election system.

However, on the up side, with all that is happening to the economy, more and more people are listening to his message about stable currency and free market. We, as his supporters need to spread the word that the Private-for-profit Federal Reserve is manipulating our economy to allow the global elitists to buy up everything and give it to hostile foreigners! Eventually these foreign governments are going to want to collect on their bad debt, using the provisions that were passed in the bailout bill.

I also am afraid it is too late, and that even if every constituent of our nation did support ron paul, it would be too late and the Military-Industrial complex would be able to keep people in line by fear mongering.

We must be able to understand what was meant for this country and take it back politically before we have to take it back violently.

Ron paul's Campaign for liberty is a good place to get involved!


I'm not a Ron paul supporter. I am voting for Bob Barr. I say we get what we deserve. The people that blindly follow their party and point fingers at the opposition will be the down fall of this great country. Sad, but true. I am more thankful daily that I chose not to have children!

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