Does this get annoying, or is it just me? ?

Is it just me or is it getting old and annoying when people keep asking questions like " Am I Pretty".... " What do you think of me?".... and such? Argh! can't stand it anymore!!!


I agree ga girl! It seems like they do it for attention. Maybe they don't have an outside life so they are desperate for attention and can only get it here


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so true its like they just need someone to say yes you are cute.

Waiting for SuMmEr!!!!2008-10-15T11:13:44Z

Personally, I don't get asked that so, I wouldn't know. But it does sound like it would get annoying.


lol, yeah...why people need to ask strangers over the internet if they are pretty is beyond me...I guess they are desperate for attention or need constant praise or something

Sweet Loraine2008-10-15T11:12:28Z

I'm with you Bluegrass Beauty!

My thumb is bigger than yours2008-10-15T11:13:23Z

It'll only stop when people stop answering those questions.

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