Easy chemistry question?

Predict which of the following compounds are insoluble in water. (Select all that apply.)

-magnesium sulfide, MgS

-calcium carbonate, CaCO3>calcium carbonate, CaCO_3>calcium carbonate, CaCO_3

-magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2>magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)_2>magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)_2

-potassium chloride, KCl>potassium chloride, KCl>potassium chloride, KCl


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Perhaps you have heard of something called the solubility rules. A great assist in predicting if a compound is soluble in water or not.

MgS - insoluble
CaCO3 - insoluble
Mg(OH)2 - insoluble
KCl - soluble


Magnesium sulfide, calcium carbonate, and magnesium hydroxide are insoluble in water.

Any ionic compound containing the sulfide ion (exceptions: compounds of ammonium ion, alkali metal cations, calcium, strontium, and barium ions), the carbonate ion (exceptions: compounds containing ammonium ion and alkali metal cations), the phosphate ion (exceptions: compounds containing ammonium ion and the alkali metal cations), and the hydroxide ion (exceptions: compound containing ammonium ion, calcium, strontium, and barium ions as well as alkali metal cations) is insoluble in water.

Note: exceptions make the compound soluble.


Mg(OH) is the only one insoluble