What was your favorite song as a kid?

Mine would be...I Cant Wait to be King from the Lion King


Favorite Answer

As a child my favorite song was "Old MacDonald Had a Farm.


Can't Wait to be King -- Lion King 1. Couldn't get enough of Lion King, I watched it every single day when I was a little kid.

Since I'm 12, I still qualify for childhood, so my favorite song would have to be Alumina (Death Note's ending theme) currently.

Cʰᶤᶜᵃᵍᵒ Kᶰᶤᵍʰᵗ2008-10-20T07:00:07Z

The Never Ending Story song.

♥♥Sambora 4 Me ♥♥2008-10-20T01:15:11Z

Are you talking kid songs or song in general?
My favorite song as a kid was Billy Don't Be A Hero by Paperlace
My favorite kid song when I was a kid was. The theme to Zoom.
I'm gonna Zoom Zoom Zooma Zoom. I sang it all day long.


Kiss the girl fomr lil mermaid and uuuhhh under the sae also from little mermaid, dora and bluse clues theme song and thats about it

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