Many Muslims follow customs of our forefathers. Are you one of them?
I have noticed that for eg. Muslims who originated from India believe in a lot of Hindu customs and traditions.
Should'nt we follow quran and hadith.
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I try my level best to follow religion rather then customs that contradict with the laws of Islam....however its hard when its one of you and plenty of those that are willing to keep the custom going at any i have the same problem...the custom issue pops in every time i am trying hard to get myself involved into Islam.....but oh well...i'll keep trying....for that matters the most --- one of the very strong customs that we follow is getting our daughters married to Syed guys only....and vice versa.....because we believe its important for a Syed to marry another Syed only so that they bring more Syeds in to this world......and if a Syed lady marry's a non-Syed guy....her kids wont be of Syed blood
i know i know its all bull crap.....and thats what i believe too.....discrimination is all i call it.....but what can i do about it n change the custom when every single person in my entire family believes so strongly in it? parents are not too strict about the whole Syed issue but its my other relatives that have a real problem when anyone of us think of marrying a of my guy cousins married a non-Syed girl 3 years ago and his mom has still not accepted his wife as a part of their family.....terrible isn't it?
as for me...i have strongly decided to break this custom if i dont find the right Syed guy..i'll wait about 2 to 3 years...if i dont get to meet a good pious Syed man....i am gonna go for a good Muslim non-Syed man...and i am sure my parents wouldn't mind....even if they do...i'll handle it all
I follow my instincts. Maybe I'm a simpleton, but I have always felt that my judgment has always lead me to the righteous path. My judgment takes me where my religion meant for me to go.
Are customs not like clay, changing form with every new hand that molds it? Can one not see shifts in "culture"? Shepards are no longer tending the fields, but reaching for the sky, al the while saying "I shall never change, Allah has blessed me and my people".