What is your best college memory?


Favorite Answer

Having sex with a guy on the common room floor, he was 17, a year younger than me, he was fit and gorgeous.

The trouble was the Art class was in the next building and they were higher up on the 3rd floor so they could see in the common room window. That bit wasn't so great. Good job it was the week before we left for summer and everyone forgot about our antics.


Majoring in the plant sciences I have good memories of the field trips we took to gather plant materials. Also I loved looking for and collecting insects, identifying them and, making an insect collection. At the end of the semester we had a party where we served, what else but, insects!!
And then, the memory of my graduation day was terrific because I finally earned the degree I waited 20 years to get - my dream happened! There are more but these might be the best.


dropping out. now i have my own house and car and money and i didnt need no stinkin college


i wish i go to college

J u l i e.2008-10-23T15:08:07Z

im not in college yet

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