If Britain joined the €URO wouldn't dental cost skyrocket?
Because Brussels would have to set € 80 billion as immediately help just to bridge the islands teeth. I have a friend in need of dental work its more than my mortgage.I say keep Britain British.
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Hahahahaha... Trick question. Dentistry has been outlawed in England since the mid 1600's.
It is inevitable that there will one day be a world currency. I wouldn't worry about the dental bills. They will work around that to keep the cost in check. They have to. So much is written now about the correlation of teeth and gums to heart problems etc. So to keep health costs down I think focus will be on the saving of people's teeth and more and more people will be able to afford good dental care. Let's hope so anyway.
As an alternative, Brussels could set aside a mere 1/1000th of that amount, € 80 million, for one can of white spray paint for each green-toothed British denizen, concentrating on the more heavily plagued areas such as Suffolk, where two coats of white may be necessary to get rid of the light green sheen after applying the first coat.