any tips on getting a very loose tooth out?
its turned and barely hanging in there
hes 5
we have tried food and freezing it
the tooth popped out
its turned and barely hanging in there
hes 5
we have tried food and freezing it
the tooth popped out
Yahoo Guru
Favorite Answer
Having them bite into apple is always good. If you don't have one handy try numbing the area around the loose tooth, and then pull it out. Numb with Orajel, or something like that. Make sure it's one with a good taste that the kid will like. Hey it worked on my nephew. If you're going to use the numb, and pull technique. Make sure the person doing it some one the child trust. It will go smoother trust. Oh, and you may need somebody to keep little hands out the way. FYI my nephew is 5 too.
Hope this helps,
Your friendly neighborhood Yahoo Guru
Well you can have her bite into an apple, but chances are the tooth will come loose on its own. You can also tell her how the tooth fairy will leave her a little extra money if she places it under her pillow and maybe that will coax her into playing with it until it comes loose. Good luck!
For future ref let him wiggle it himself with a wet (warm) washcloth. He will not realize how hard he is wiggling it because of the thickness of the washcloth and he will take it out himself pretty quickly. We have always done this and my kid freaked out when he had his first loose tooth evidently we never explained this to him and he had a fit. LOL, ever since the warm washcloth it has been a breeze!!
My 5 yr old just had that problem a week ago with her top front tooth. My husband pulled it for her b/c it was just hanging there. I say pull it. That way he will be able to eat without any problem.
my mom would make me bite an apple or a carrot with that side of my mouth and the tooth would fall right off.