my period was 4 days late and had a light, spotting period then it stopped and now the spotting began again ?

I have been on Yazz birth control for 3 months. For the first two months I had a normal, regular, on time period. This last month I was 4 days late and it was a light in color and amount. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I had a spotting, light period for about 5 days then it discontinued. A few days later I had a light pink spotting. Then next day it went away and then the day after the spotting re-appeared. Now I am still spotting off and on. My period should be over. I have missed one pill this month but did take 2 the next day as directed. I took one in the morning first thing then one at my regular time. I have been under a lot of stress this month as well, could this be the cause? Is this normal? I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) as well so I am used to the irregular periods, however, the birth control was suppose to help w/ that. Do I need to be concerned?


Favorite Answer

Birth control can sometimes cause lighter periods even after a couple of months. Also missing a pill can cause spotting. You can see your doctor if you want but it's hopefully nothing to worry about.



You are having breakthrew bleeding from the pill.. mayb its just not the right pill for you... I had the same prob... i needed a high hormone pill to stop all the spotting.


Since you were a dick to me on my questions, hereeeee we gooo.. Let me just say its so funny to me your name is Daniel and here you are talking about your period ! Omg.


ok this is weird but you are asking a girl question and your avatar is a boy?

just wanted to say that