What is the best 500 GB external hard drive?

The one you can plug directly into your computer, and not through Mionet.



Favorite Answer

hey western digital is good seagate is good samsung looks good :)
they are usually the big brands
hope this helps :D

mike H2008-10-29T02:26:37Z

the actual make is not important whats inside is - most of them use the same hard drives - just make sure it has a serial hard drive - you could also get one with an ethernet connection as well as usb it then means it can be accessed though a network by multiple computers or via the usb - there are even some nice wireless ones around now


hmmm the western digital ones r really good


this one is good for the price
if you dont like it try searching around www.amazon.co.uk
i use it for reviwes of games etc so i hope this helps ya