why do Obama followers have a problem with people wanting to see his REAL birth certificate?

understand .. .first what was published ont he web is NOT a birth certificate it is an announcement of birth, it is missing a LOT of pertinent data and it has been shown by several groups to be a fake...

i have seen responses like "show yours", "doesn't matter" etc to this rather simple request...

the fact of the matter is we are in effect interviewing Mr. Obama for a position of public trust... the requirements for this job are fairly simple and easy to meet.. asking proof that he meets those doesn't seem to be out of order for his interviewers <us the voters>

if the answer from him is he doesn't want to that is fine.. but my question is why do the obama supporters on here get so MAD about people asking?!?! it seems a reasonable question and one McCain has addressed.. i have never gotten mad about a reasonable question phrased politely about McCain and can't understand why Obama supporters are so angry that anyone would dare to question him.


In answer to several of the questions

No one questioned where bush etc where born.. .had they been asked i have no doubt they would have provided them....

NO being vetted for a foreign relations committee is NOT good enough that just requires you to be a citizen NOT a natural born citizen..

and if the FBI has SEEN his birth certificate why has the director of the FBI NOT stood up and said so??


Favorite Answer

Because they are scared of the truth. Just like McCain followers are perfectly content with the health records he supplied to the public. However, there are MANY records missing. Politics has just turned into a sitcom. It's full of lies and people believe what they here. Even if it was found that Obama was not a citizen... the government would NEVER let the public know that because it would look like a disgrace to the country.


I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that Obama has presented a document that most have accepted as a prefectly valid birth certificate if not an equivilant.

That is why the issue isn't being covered by the media or the government.

Most Obama fans take the "birth certificate" questions to be a series of questions designed to bait supporters.

I personally don't mind them. I think if the Bush Administration thought something was there they would have taken action already. They haven't, ergo they don't.

Like the Obama campaign, I am perfectly pleased to see people who have an axe to grind with Obama drilling this dry hole. They want to run out the clock with their lead, as do I.


This is to Small B. That must stand for small brain. This is the biggest bunch of nonsense that I have seen yet concerning Obama. If you really believe all this, you are paranoid or delusional. It must be tough to live in fear of the Democrats like you seem to be.

To answer the basic question, a lot of sources have seen the certificate produced and declared it genuine. The Berg lawsuit was thrown out recently. Some birth certificates are not as complex as others, in different states.

Anna P2008-10-29T18:17:03Z

He was vetted by the FBI for his seat on the Foreign Relations Committee. Why isn't THAT good enough for people? Has McCain proven he was born on base in Panama?


Put down the tin foil hat full of Kool-Aid, Raven Starchild or whatever your name is.

You just can't deal with the fact that Obama WAS born on American soil and McCain WASN'T. That's a fact. Facts are true. I know you think lies are true and the truth is a lie, but too bad.

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