Authors (and those who would like to be), are you doing NaNoWriMo?

First, can you write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days? That's the challenge for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

No, this is not an advertisement. I found out about this challenge last year and am ready to go again; wondering who else might be taking the plunge. If you are awaiting the beginning of the madness, answer me this...have you completed the task before? Do you have a plot in mind for your future bestseller?

If you want to know what I'm talking about, check the website:

This is my second year, and the plot spinning in my head is sci fi/fantasy/paranormal. See? I'm still not quite sure! Have characters in mind and bit of a plot, but hoping it develops more when I start typing on November 1. What about you?


Give this link a try (if you see the addition to the question):

It could be very busy as the craziness has begun.

Good luck all!


Favorite Answer

I started doing NaNo last year as well. I loved it. Who wouldn't love writing like mad for 30 days to produce a story that has been stuck in the brain for years? I am geared up and ready to write. I can't wait for Saturday. Good luck!

♥ Mαяìαн ♥2008-10-29T18:58:59Z

Nope, i havent done it. I actually heard about it like nov 20th last year and had forgotten. that soundslike somehting fun to do, i think i'll try this year... hmmmmm, i need to think of a good plot now... yours sounds exciting! =P

Revolution of Truth2008-10-29T18:58:04Z

yeah i can.i can write 14000 words in a night. i'll try it. thanks for the inspiration. i meant it in a good way why did i get thumbed down. and could someone please help me with this site. i'm having a problem with it.