When did SS change the age limit women to 62 & men to 65?


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It has been that was for a long time. BUT if you start to draw SS before your full retirement age, you will receive a lessor amount. But if you wait, you will receive more. Call your SS office and they can explain it or go online. You cannot sign for Medicare until you are 65 even if you draw SS earlier.


presently? No. The replace became into made, i think of with OBRA 87 or RPA ninety two or someplace in between. the reason you will possibly be able to think of the replace is present day is via the fact the better age for complete SS retirement advantages became into phased in, in basic terms as they're conversing approximately now. And, it fairly is now affecting people who're approximately sixty 5. you are able to retire at sixty two with a discounted income in basic terms as past to the replace interior the regulation. The retirement age for Social protection became into in no way sixty two for complete advantages. The SS early retirement age continues to be sixty two because it became into previously the replace to section-in of the age for complete advantages.


Since 1988. They had to do something because the SSN system was running out of money and they were quite aware of it. They had to "reform" the system before it ran dry.
Now they are looking for further ways to "reform" the system. Privatization and subsidization and all types of big words are being thrown in a system that a lot of us have been paying our hard earned dollars into for years. Less and less of our money is in there than we could imagine.
Peace & Love :)