Should I keep my iPhone 3G or trade it in for another phone for ATT (If the latter, please reccomened a phone)?

I would like a physical keyboard, and a phone with good messaging features (If you chose that I do not keep my iPhone)


The EnV is only for Verizon.


Favorite Answer

Thats up to you.

Persoanlly I love mine. I like having the phone and ipod together. I've never had any problems with it.

You could see about the Tilt / Blackberry Curve / Pantech Duo
Personal use: Blackberrys are awesome
My friend loves her new Duo


each ounce of ethical and logical reasoning interior me tells me that's a bad deal. i might keep the xbox, for my section. yet while your fairly uncertain i might seem up the value of a typical mountain bike and evaluate it to the advertising value of an xbox 360 elite on ebay. you ought to get a particularly sparkling concept of what your superb decision is. in the journey that your nevertheless uncertain, take time to evaluate the experts and cons of the bike vs the xbox. ask your self, Will you employ the two of those issues lots? Which one gets greater use? that's well worth a miles better fraction of a few time? reliable success!


no you should not keep the iphone everyone says it falls apart you should get the env