Do you think Kendall will want to become pregnant on AMC, to give Zac another daughter ?

Do you think it is inevitable that Kendall will try to have a daughter even if her health is at risk once she comes out of her comma? Of course, Zac will be angry that she took that risk.


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Right now I don't think Kendall will want to have anymore kids for a while, especially when she finds out that Zac is the father of Bianca's baby.She just might become the conniving b**** she was when she first hit town all those years ago, and if that happens watch out Pine Valley.

Gigi O2008-11-04T13:48:14Z

I think that when Kendall wakes up and learns of Zac/Bianca's baby, she will be livid and jealous so she may very well resort to scheming, back to being the old badazz Kendall. So yes I think Kendall may want to become pregnant with Zac's baby even though it may put her health at risk.
Please pick me as best answer; I need help to get to level 2. :-)


The stuff I read in SOD about November sweeps is that when Kendall comes out of her coma, she's back to her old scheming ways. Of course, once she finds out her sister gave birth to a baby by her husband, I can see her intentionally getting pregnant *without telling Zach* just to get revenge. Especially if it looks like they're going to split up. Whatever happens, my $$ says it's going to be a roller coaster rider because when Kendall hits her worst, she's a force of nature to be compared with a tornado in her own right.


If she changes back to her old self she's going to go balistic about the baby. If she changes back to her old self, I don't think it's likely that she'll want to have a baby with Zach. She's going to feel extremely hurt and want to take it out on those that did the hurting, no matter the consequences or the way things were before she went in the comma.


Yes, she and Zach said they wanted another baby before this happened and I think she'll turn the love she has for Bianca into competition.

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