who is better Obama Or McCain?
you have your vote;; who is better?
and why?
you have your vote;; who is better?
and why?
Favorite Answer
I absolutely think that Obama desrves to be the president of the United States of America because:
a) he would make history for two reasons as he would end up being the youngest president America has ever had and he is the first african American to become the President of America. He would be quite innovative and ambitious aim for the future of the American economy and the sustainable development.
Mc Cain is old and he would probably make history for being the oldest president in America and he would probably follow the policies of George Washington and George Bush. I dont think he would be much of a help.
McCain because He isnt a Socialist Like Obama. yet Obama Deffinatly Has a more suitable Personallyy and air of secrecy. yet I Dont imagine Socialism is a robust concept For u . s . a .. Expeciallyy no longer Now at This element in Tyme.
♥ Miss Beauty ♥
McCain! he is much better because he voted for the born alive act, Obama voted 4 times to oppose it!!!!
Aliii. ™
I would say McCain, because I know a lot of guys who like to hunt and Obama wants to ban guns so..
Xascx S
mccain the only reason obama is gunna win is because he has all the black ppl voting for him