should you befriend all of your co workers or just some?
heres the back story
my husband works part time in a video game store. they have just hired in the last month 4 new staff members who wont remain after christmas.
he said last night that he will not make any attempts to befriend or socialize outside of work aside from the company party. this offended the other guy who was working last night. hes not one of the 4 just hired either so hes safe. but it shocked him. that the manager of the store would say that.
i agree that making friends with them will make it harder to end the contracts but still.
the questions is this normal
the store manager is a great guy and loyal to those he chooses as friends so hearing him say that was a bit of a shock
not my husband its his manager who we are very close friends with. hes not making friends with the holiday staff. he only wants to be friends with his management support staff which is hubby and one other
he hasnt told his staff other than the co worker working with him last night. and he doesnt plan to. hes the type who gets emotionally involved to easily