animal crossing: wild world (DS) QUESTIONS?
ive got a LOT questions about animal crossing wild world: (sorry its so LONGGGGGGGGGG)
whos gulliver?
whos gracie?
to upgrade Tom Nook's shop to 'Nookingtons' do you HAVE to have a friend come visit your town and buy something?
how do you get an animal in your town's picture? my friends have animal crossing as well and they said they have animals in there town's picture
when does the otta guy come? his name starts with 'p'. (i cant remember his name.)
when im fishing, when do i pull in the line? like when do i pull it in when i want to catch a fish? after it splashes my rod?
what are some fast ways to earn money with out having to sell fruit?
is there another way to get different fruit with out having to visit someone else's down?
wi-fi problem? i put my wi-fi usb connector in and talked to copper so he could register me a friend code. the usb toolbar said i was connected but when copper had finished the toolbar said i wasn't connected and copped said he couldn't register me a friend code.