Pagans and holiday honesty?

I am a long time member of the pagan community, but each year get a bit puzzled by so called "Yule" observances, that look, feel and smell a whole lot like Christmas (and even fall on the same date) I know that pagans often say that Christians ripped off their holidays, and that many Christmas traditions began in pagan faiths, but what about when it goes the other way?

I mean, on one forum I belong to, someone is trying to guilt us into participating in secret santa for pagan kids!

So, it is OK for us to "borrow" Christmas when it suits us, but get all snippy that they borrowed our holidays first. Or is it Ok for pagans to have their pagan things and also whatever other holidays float their boat?

I can't feel guilty about not buying a kid a gift for a holiday they supposedly don't observe from a religion neither they nor I practice.
What do you think?


Thanks all, for sharing a host of perspectives with me.

I am actually from a tradition that doesn't celebrate Yule. We observe Winter Solstice and it's sort of a sombre, introspective holy day. We don't give gifts, so I didn't know about that relation to Yule.

So, is this just a case of taking back what was theirs in the first place?

I thought the term "Santa" had its origins in Saint, that's why I considered Santa to be a Christian icon.


Favorite Answer

I think we all need to study the history of our traditions
and determine what holidays are valid for us.

After that, we don't need to concern ourselves about
what others do, or who "stole" a holiday from us. We
should just follow our own path and be happy.

We may wish our friends well on their holidays, of
course... but that's about it.




ok,I thought pagans celebrated Yule(tide)???
Are u a Druid? Ok, first of all,as a solitary Wiccan, I celebrate Yuletide.
I celebrate the Winter solstice,too.
I was raised christian,and I always thought that the christians stole the Yuletide and made Pagans not be allowed to celebrate it.
That was always my understanding.
I understand your position on the gift-buying for the kid.
I wouldnt buy a christian kid a gift, unless it was my own kids.
All of my christian friends, know I am Wiccan,and do not shove their religion down my throat,.
I appreciate that. You are not the onmly one who has a problem with secret santa. I do as well,and i tell ppl that I can send a dollar-store gift, but only one or two, as I have 2 girls.
I believe that the cleebrations should reflect your true feelings on the holidays.
I choose to celebrate. u choose to be somber. Sounds like your tradition is different from what I have heard of,so I can't say I one way or the other,except,that ,I understand. By that,I mean, ppl celebrate differently. As a christian,when I was one,I didn't believe in the whole commercial thing. there was noi "christ" in christmas. It was all about the $$$$$. I hated that. Still do.
Hope I helped.

Lady Kk2008-11-05T15:19:21Z

Pagan Roman (Church) used the old pagan holidays to convert the pagans. How it was explained to me by a priest and a nun, was that it was easier to convert the pagans if they were allowed to keep their pagan traditions. Keep the date, the traditions and just rename it. Yes Christmas is a pagan holiday. It truly has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. The same with Easter.

I would not worry to much about this Santa Claus character either. Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christianity.

You know many Christian's do not realize the truth behind their so called holiday. When informed about the truth, many will close a blind eye. I know. At one point in my journey I too fought to keep the traditions of men and hold tight to the pagan holidays I so loved to the point of denying the truth.

This will be the first year I do not observe this pagan holiday. You can have it back :)



answer: in the Bible it tells believers in G-d not to bring a tree in and decorate it with silver and gold, that's a pagan custom. Christmas didn't exist for centuries after Jesus supposedly walked.

There were holidays around the world celebrating Solstice - check out the alignment at New Grange and Stonehenge. These existed for thousands of years before Christianity reached England and Ireland.

Every custom surrounding Christmas is of pagan origin and were incorporated. The Puritans forbid anyone in the new colony to celebrate Christmas because they considered all the practices too pagan.

Tell the one trying to guilt trip you to research the various practices around the world, especially England and Europe.

We aren't borrowing Christmas - we're celebrating Yule, the original holidays with our original customs.

Rich W2008-11-05T15:16:14Z

I don't celebrate Christmas, Yule or any other holidays.. I celebrate the birth of our Lord.

The date, December 25, was borrowed from paganism by the Roman Catholic Church when they brought all into the Roman Church. They incorporated the dates of pagan worship with those of Christian worship and made the pagan holidays Christian or christianized the pagan holidays.
The Church did not paganize the Christian holidays.

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