For women only, how do you feel about this?
My elderly great grandmother shocked me yesterday, when she should have been elated and celebrating. She told me that she is ashamed of our generation of women.
She said she fought hard all her life to be accepted and respected, and she wanted me to remember that the black man was given the right to vote 50 years before any woman was. Grandma said that she was very joyous in the 1970s when women gained so very much ground, and that women joined together demanding equality.
Now, she says she has watched us women stand next to both white and black MALE celebrities, cheering while they insulted, abused and called for the demise and even death of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.
Grandma actually cried, and wagged her finger at me while she told me she was ashamed of all my generation's women. She said she was very proud of both Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Palin, that they both are very smart and brave, and deserve the respect of all women, and we should stand up against any man who says otherwise.
My grandma made me ashamed, and I think that from now on I will be a woman first, then a member of my race second. We should be proud, respect ourselves and all other women who step forward and take a stand, as well as those who shine through as leaders.
Do you agree, and are you willing to take that stand as well? For all the women who have fought hard for equality?