What do you do when a friend injures your feelings in front of other friends?

I have been crying all morning. I can't stop. I have never been so hurt in my life.


It was a friend of my husband's (who is also in my circle of friends) - who called me (while he was with other people) and yelled at me accusing me of things I did not do. It would have been one thing to call and talk rationally, but he was screaming at me. I'm so upset and embarrassed, I don't even know what to do.


Favorite Answer

you stop being her friend. That is why the only two friends that I have that are girls are the lowest maintence people I know, so that no drama like that will start. My advice to you: get more guy friends, they never start drama just make sure they dont get interested in u


I first would let her know how I feel! Then would stop talking to her! I am one that has a very hard time being friends again after something big! I only have a few really good girl friends! I guess I never really got a long with them! I am not into drama at all!!!