Is this a good team for Pokemon Crystal? *Updated*?

Arcanine Lvl 51
Take Down

Poliwrath- Lvl 51
Icy Wind
Body Slam
Hydro Blast
*Not sure if I should delete surf and if so what I should replace it with

Noctowl- Lvl 51

Meganium- Lvl 51
Razor Leaf
Body Slam
Poison Powder
*Don't know what to replace cut with

Wigglytuff- Lvl 51
Shadow Ball
Body Slam

I beat the Elite Four (yes, with just five) when they were all lower level and I still had the unevolved Growlithe and Poliwhirl.


Body Slam does not have a recoil and return doesn't do what you think it does.


Favorite Answer

That's a NICE team!!!
No, don't delete Surf, it has 15PP, and it's really useful. I use Poliwrath a lot and I usually replace his Hydro Pump with the Dynamic Punch obtained from Chuck. It's really helpful against Karen, since Dark is weak against Fighting.

I suggest you replace Meganium's Cut with Solarbeam. It's a strong and helpful attack. You can get a Solarbeam TM on your way to the Indigo Plateau, when you cross that Whirlpool under the bridge.

You could also teach Noctowl with Dream Eater. It's also a strong attack.

Anyway, the decision is all yours. Good luck with your game!


Arcanine is good,especially the return just in cause he is getting beat up or something you could just quickly switch it instead of going to the pokemon box thingy........but take down has a recoil to it(recoil:hits your pokemon after hits the other by other pokemon I mean your opponent's).Poliwrath is pretty good since he has all the good hitters(by good hitters I mean good attacks).Surf you might need.Noctowl is has perfect attacks,good choice.Meganium,mmmm,maybe you should delete Body Slam since it has a recoil to it.I mean Take Down has the same thing but it's a lot worse....once I used Body Slam it was a critical killed my pokemon.Well it's your choice.Wigglytuff has Body Slam too maybe switch it with like hidden power(sorry i haven't played crystal in a while so I forgot some moves).Maybe you should add another pokemon to the party.Remember to use them all not just one because then they'll ignore some of your commands.