If democrats want to help US automakers, why did they endorse Toyota by delivering legislation in a Prius?


I'm not a republican.



That's a good point, but why help them now if congress didn't want to endorse them didn't want to endorse them in the simplest way possible before they got into trouble? At the time, democratic lawmakers could have chosen between several hybrid vehicles from the very companies they want to bailout now.


The question is not whether or not they should have endorsed Toyota. The question is why they suddenly want to help the companies they chose not to endorse.


Favorite Answer

I am not a democrat but seems sensible to me...our automakers would not be in nearly the financial trouble they are if they did not give major bonus' to the heads and executives as well as not follow the right trends in gas....instead of thinking they could build and do what they wanted...yet another bailout in the making...and the small guy once again pays.. they have promised fuel efficient cars for years but spend more money in Washington trying to defeat mandatory laws than they do building such cars..


Maybe because Toyota actually has I believe two large facilities in the United States, which brings economics here in the States.. Helping Toyota helps brings more jobs to American and as a result support progress in an economy that desperately needs it..

[edit] United States employees and investments
Toyota directly employed around 34,675 people in the United States, invested USD $15.5 billion, produced 1.2 million vehicles using US and foreign auto parts, sold 2.54 million vehicles, and donated USD $340 million to nonprofits. [37] It has in total 10 plants, USD $2.9 billion per year payroll, purchased USD $28 billion in parts and supplies from 30 states. It created around 386,000 jobs in the United States as result of Toyota's spending and demand from suppliers. It celebrated its 50th year anniversary in the United States in 2008.[38]

I got the above excert fromn wikipedia.com. of course they are not the most reliable source, but I believe the above excert to be accurate.. :)


...Anyone Answering this question ...please read what Ms. wrote to get a very good understanding; she is right on the money "it's the economy stupid"