Nintendo DS won't play any games?

My son's DS recently stopped playing games. When I checked it out, I found it was in manual mode, so I set it to auto mode thinking that would fix it. But after I tried turning it off, putting a chip in and turning it back on (all following the instructions on the DS web site, so I did it all right and several times over besides) it still went to the main menu. When I checked to see what mode it was in, it said it was in auto mode. I pressed A and it repeated that it was set to auto mode, but even with a chip in it, it will not start the game. Just that same main menu. The DS web site doesn't cover the problem. Anyone here dealt with this?


Has he damaged it? I'd be astonished to find he hasn't! He just turned 7 and he has a 2 year old sister. 'Nuff said. I was hoping there was a chance I might be missing something that would set it right. I mean, it seems to be working except for this slightly huge problem of never running the game. If it needs replacement, though, it looks like I'd better hurry. He got it last Christmas.

I guess I should be surprised it lasted this long.


Favorite Answer

you got something similar to the ring of death on the 360, it is fried, but nintendo should replace it


Has it been bricked?

This is when a trojan stops the DS playing games, rendering it useless hence the same as an expensive brick

If your son has recently bought an R4DS cartridge then that might be the reason, if it is a clone or fake R4 then the hardware will brick any DS it is used in.

If you google 'bricked DS' or 'DS no longer plays games' im sure something will come up but its difficult to say without images


think of approximately it this sort... in case you have an X-field and a PS3, are you able to play one yet another's video games on the different console? in spite of the undeniable fact that the DSi and 3DS are the two Nintendo products, the assessment is valid, yet in elementary terms whilst pondering the 3DS video games. The 3DS can play DS (and DSi) video games, however the older machines can no longer play 3DS video games. The coding for 3-d precludes it. As for the Acekard 2i...small hitch... What you propose to apply it for is unquestionably unlawful in many countries. i'm no longer acquainted with uk copyright regulation, yet i know that the R4i enjoying cards are one hundred% legal to purchase and sell, yet as quickly as you *use* them (fairly in the variety you propose to achieve this), that's illegitimate. in case you lived interior the U. S., technically it may well be a legal (what we interior the Commonweath call an Indictable Offence). case you p.c. to play 3DS video will would desire to "purchase a 3DS." Sorry... sturdy luck!

Mel = )2008-11-09T13:51:03Z

maybe there could be too much dust or other small things stuck in the DS game chip that it won't read it. this happens sometimes so just blow at it a little. or keep trying to puit it in again to see if it works or not. it's eaither that or the DS is in bad condition and will not play games anymore.

Mac G2008-11-09T13:42:23Z

What I do is when I encounter a problem like that is just blow into the place where you put the cartridge to remove some dust and that solves the problem. Or you can go and email Nintendo Customer Support and ask them, if they tell you to and it in then it's guaranteed it'll get fixed.

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