Do you think that the US should reinstate the Draft.?

Given the limited military personnel and how stretched we are fighting two wars. Don't you think that its time we start thinking about reinstating the Draft.


This question is not a matter of being Democratic or a Republican but rather a American that willing to fight for their freedom.

Thank you Veterans!!


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If they ever did, they would have to get the states to do it under the 2nd amendment. Unless there was a national emergency, the Supreme Court would rule against the fed doing it under the 13th amendment.

Kenneth C2008-11-10T03:49:38Z

Firstly, when you say fight for our freedom, what foreign power have we been invaded by in the last 8 years? What foreign power has ruled over us in the last 8 years? Our military shortage is due to Bush's ignorant foreign policy.

We shouldn't reinstate the draft because it would actually diminish the quality of our troops. Also, a draft might allow the President to use force as an option more often then necessary.


No. but Democrats tried it once already. Now that Democrats
will be taking over, I'm sure it will be reinstated along with teens
doing some free government work which Obama already has
on his " list of things I'm going to do".

speak no evil2008-11-10T03:01:26Z

No, I think we should stop fighting so many unnecessary wars before we worry about reinstating the Draft.

Stephanie is awesome!!2008-11-10T03:00:50Z

Either end the wars completely or reinstate the draft. Politicians need to put up or shut up, they need to stop dancing around saying oh jeez the war needs to stop our troops need to come home they are stretched too thin, blah blah blah blah. They either reinstate the draft, go on record as fully supporting these BS wars or bring them home.

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