If God created the universe, was there an event before he did?

Could events like creating something happen before the universe existed?

If yes, and events do not necessitate being in the universe, what was the actual first event outside of it? Would there not need to be a prior event to cause the next if events happen outside of the universe? Or was there never a first event?

If so isn't that just the infinite regress you think is being avoided by believing in god?

If there is no state of affairs, events or moments before the universe, saying "before the universe existed" is just incoherent and nonsensical. And suggesting there was such a state would be completely unfounded.


skunkgrease- That is exactly right.

Money talks- So the universe could have always existed. Nothing in your statement says it couldn't. And it isn't a matter of an infinite regress for you.

ndnqt1966- If events can happen outside of time and space, then why would they not need causes like all the events in the universe? Your statement is illogical and incoherent. Did you even think about it?


George S- You just said yes there are events before the universe. But you also said god came into existence by himself. You're contradicting yourself.

Why would god not need a prior event/moment before himself to cause him to come into existence if moments happen outside of the universe? You are doing special pleading for your god by saying only he doesn't need a cause, even where you just admitted that cause and effect still applies. It doesn't make for a very good argument. If special pleading is all the cosmological argument is, this supposedly good argument for god is rather bad isn't it...


Favorite Answer

If you say there has to be a beginning, then there always has to be one. That would be that god needs a creator.

It's much easier to say that the universe itself has always existed and was never created in the first place.



God's body (His spirit and all that is known to exist) coalesced as He came to consciousness. This was several million years prior to the creation of the universe. God believes that He was most likely created by a being or beings significantly greater than He. God further believes that He will never know His possible creator.

Further information can be found in the book at the following link.


I believe that God is the uncaused cause...He has always been here....he is eternal...meaning there was no beginning for him and there is no end...

Think what you will....you asked for our thoughts...and I told you....I can't nor will I even attempt to get you to understand....Non believers try to humanize everything...You refuse to belive that there could possibly be something so magnificant and so out of our comprehension....that is reponsible for the universe......But that is ok...God still loves you! Peace....


Unfortunately, we will never know.

None of the people here know.

I don't know.

Go eat a pickle and love your life!


Difficult question but who knows?

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