Have you been on a diet and what diet worked best for you?

Have you been able to keep that weight off?


Favorite Answer

Its a life style and eating habit change, not a diet. I have kept my weight off for 4 years now and feel good. I lost 86lbs by eating whole grains, no white flour and very little sugar, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. Its was a slow process to get off of sugar and flour but it was worth it. I now have developed healthy eating habits that will last me a lifetime........

☆ Memphis Belle ☆2008-11-15T13:06:03Z

I eat a fairly healthy diet, chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit and forgo/have in moderation a few of life's pleasures.

I lost my additional curves by walking the dogs for 1.5/2 hours a day and eating a sensible diet. I have kept to a healthy weight for years now.

(I couldn't go cold turkey with chocolate!)

Larry E2008-11-15T11:52:47Z

I am on a low carb diet and eat reasonable portions and I lost a lot of weight.