Is it alright to place a computer tower on its side and use it as a desktop with the monitor on it?
My space is limited and i cannot afford a new computer yet.
My space is limited and i cannot afford a new computer yet.
Favorite Answer
Shouldn't be a problem.
Only thing to check is if there are air intake vents on the side.
If so, blocking them by lying the tower down on its side might cause cooling problems.
Really not a problem for any of the electronics or the hard disk.
You should also check that your DVD or CD tray has plastic tabs on it that will stop the DVD from just falling off when you try to insert it in the drive. Some do - some don't.
As your case is very sturdy steel and is a small box construction it would happily take a crt's weight without any issues.
yes you can. I wouldn't put a crt on the side of the pc...though, it would be to heavy