Which version of Macbeth would TEENAGERS prefer?: Live Theater or Film?

and why?


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Theater, because with film it's all about the special effects and who the actors/actress are that teens will notice, not to mention interpretation for entertainment value is the actual purpose of film as opposed to the actual story. With theater, attention is held with the performance, with the awe of seeing it come alive on the stage. When we were in h.s., we got front row tix, and one girl got splattered with the fake blood, so her picture was taken with the character in full costume and posted up in the theater (she got a copy and T-shirt as a souvenir).


i actually think, when performed correctly live theatre is always better I mean Im practically a teen (19) so thats my opinion but its more intresting there is so much to observe and the emotion can be felt better than through a screen


theatre. But i'm a teenager and i'm really enjoying just reading the play


live theater. film is boring

The bohemian2008-11-15T21:29:11Z

when i saw this it was last year i guess when i was a senior in HS. i saw the live theatre and i was deeply confused...jus all that talking n stuff ahd me not understanding wut was goin on

so i would choose film

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