want a divorce, husband is on disabilty. Ive been told I have to pay him 70,000 for house and 200 month supprt?
I have to pay support for 3 yrs. How much can he make before disability stops his benifits do to the estra momney? I thought he only could make 1600 a month. This will give him way too much a month. We live in Wisconsin
first of all Some people have been sgrewed by others, and I am NOT one of them who have screwed ppl. I have had to do all the support and do everything around the house for years even before the disability. He is a drunk and Verbally and mentally abusive. He is leagally blind and still sees, uses the disability to not work! he is able. but a drunk. I have dont nothing to any of you who decided to make me an target.
I cant sell the house. We have a contract with my dad he has life rights until he dies. so I also have to keep the house hubby cant get it. Guess was my dads way of a prenup without us knowing to keep 3 generation house in fmaily. We have no kids
Favorite Answer
Your best bet is check with an attorney. And don't settle for the cheapest attorney, or you will get what you pay for.
i had a friend in the same situation as yours. He was on disability for his chrons disease and he drank and had his buddies over alot playing cards, crap like that. They had two kids together too. Turns out one of her boys has the disease too. She ended up getting a divorce and leaving him and the kids. She couldnt take it anymore. He never helped her with anything. She worked all her life to support him and the kids and she even had to pay for daycare for her kids b/c he couldnt handle the stress while at home!! Anyhow, she left when her kids were teens. She ended up having to pay him spousal support for a little while and then she has to pay child support until the kids were 18 years old. He continued to live in the house. She didnt care about the house, Just wanted out. She is now remarried to a wonderful man. They travel and do all kinds of things together. Her kids are grown now and her one son is like the father and her other one didint finish school. The father was a horrible role model. The kids decided to live with him when she filed for divorce. She never felt guilty for what she did. She is now living her life to the fullest.
If he never signs the divorce papers he still has to pay child support those are two different things The house is a different story that is up to the judge His not having signed the papers shouldn't keep the house from selling Get your atty to go into family court to get a support order I'm surprised you don't have one already
Well how bad do you want a divorce??? Or is your pride too strong??
Your additional comments are just plain excuses. If you want a divorce, then get one and live with the consequences and quit whining. If you don't, any potential future men will be running. Who promised you that life would be fair??